3 ways the vagus nerve can help with stress during the menopause. Background image of a woman sitting relaxing in the woods

3 ways the vagus nerve can help with stress during the menopause

One of the most important things you can do as a woman in your 40s and 50s who is reaching menopause is to learn how to switch on your stress reset button, aka the vagus nerve. Why? Well, the decline in your progesterone and estrogen levels can affect your nervous system. So, managing your stress …

Read more 3 ways the vagus nerve can help with stress during the menopause

4 ways to imrpove your running as you go through the menopause - a woman jumping mid run with her arms in the air

Four ways to improve your running as you go through the menopause

If you are a woman runner who is experiencing a lot of perimenopause symptoms, it may start to feel difficult, or even impossible, to keep running Running used to be your friend. But now a lack of sleep, aching joints, hot flushes and mood swings, are making you wonder if you should be running at …

Read more Four ways to improve your running as you go through the menopause

Five common myths about your pelvic floor. A photo of a woman holding a balloon in front of her pelvis

Myths about your pelvic floor that you should ignore

If you are a woman who has experienced leaking, or other issues connected to your pelvic floor, you may have heard a few common misconceptions. In this post, I bust those myths about our pelvic floor, how it functions and what we can do to improve it. It’s normal to leak If you experience leaking …

Read more Myths about your pelvic floor that you should ignore

Photo of a woman with a diasitasis recti holding a baby. The words are how long does it take for a tummy gap to heal

How long does it take for a diastasis recti or tummy gap to heal?

Need to know how long it takes for a diastasis recti or tummy gap to heal after giving birth? Here’s my easy to follow guide on diastasis recti – what it is, how to check your tummy gap, and what to do if you don’t think it is healing. What is diastasis recti? A diastasis …

Read more How long does it take for a diastasis recti or tummy gap to heal?